
What You Need To Know About Checkpoints in Oklahoma 

Checkpoints are temporary roadblocks set up by law enforcement to inspect drivers for compliance with traffic laws and public safety regulations. In Oklahoma, these stops are designed to identify impaired drivers via breath or field sobriety tests, verify license and registration validity, and ensure vehicles meet safety standards. Checkpoints are typically established in high-traffic areas…

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Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in Oklahoma? 

DUI checkpoints are designated roadblocks where law enforcement officers stop vehicles to check for signs of intoxicated driving. These checkpoints are set up in areas with high rates of DUI incidents and serve as a preventive measure to reduce drunk driving accidents. In Oklahoma, DUI checkpoints are different from chemical testing and must comply with specific…

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Can You Expunge a DUI From Your Record?

A DUI conviction in Oklahoma can impact multiple facets of your life for the foreseeable future. Having proactive representation for defending against a DUI is always best. However, a DUI expungement in Oklahoma may be possible. Qualifying for a DUI Expungement in Oklahoma An Oklahoma DUI defense attorney can help you effectively navigate the steps to…

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Parents are at elevated risk of a felony DUI charge

A variety of different situations can worsen the outcome of driving under the influence (DUI) charges in Oklahoma. If a motorist has multiple prior offenses on their record, the courts are more likely to hand down harsh penalties. Prosecutors can bring more serious charges against those who cause crashes that lead to injury or…

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How does blood alcohol concentration affect driving abilities?

Drivers must ensure that they’re in good condition to drive. One thing that they must avoid is impaired driving. Most drivers know that it’s illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of over .08% for drivers who can legally consume alcohol, but some may not understand why that number is important. While…

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Can a personal breath test help someone avoid a DUI charge?

Anyone who regularly enjoys alcohol and drives their own vehicle could be at risk of criminal prosecution. Police officers arrest people every day for driving under the influence (DUI) offenses. Many people accused of drunk driving did not realize that they were over the legal limit prior to their arrests. It is quite difficult…

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3 things drivers should know about field sobriety tests

If a police officer suspects someone of drunk driving, they will almost certainly look for ways to confirm that suspicion. During a traffic stop or after a crash, a police officer may ask someone very specific questions. They may also request that someone perform field sobriety tests or submit to chemical breath testing. The…

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What happens during a suspected drunk driving stop?

Seeing the flashing lights of a police vehicle can invoke feelings of fear in some drivers, even if they don’t feel they’ve done anything wrong. For someone who’s had a couple drinks, that fear exponentially multiplies. Understanding what may happen during a traffic stop can benefit someone who’s being accused of drunk driving because…

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Stay off social media while your DUI case is active

Whether you’re a regular or an occasional user, chances are that you log on to at least one social media platform from time to time to share your life updates, opinions and experiences. However, if you’re facing legal challenges due to Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charges, a decision to continue using social media…

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Why stopping for a happy hour drink could lead to a DUI

Motorists in Oklahoma violate impaired driving statutes in many different ways. Some people go to a party or restaurant and then feel as though they have to drive home despite drinking quite a bit. Those involved in car crashes could fail chemical tests and end up arrested. Many others may not even realize that…

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