DUI Defense Overview

If you have been charged with a DUI, hiring an experienced Oklahoma DUI defense lawyer can make all the difference in your case. We know getting arrested is a frightening experience. The best thing you can do is not say a word to anyone until you have retained a DUI defense attorney. Talking to the police may provide the state with stronger evidence to convict you.

Hiring a DUI lawyer to help you fight your case can be critical. From your first DUI hearing, to dealing with the consequences of a DUI, our team can help you understand what you are facing.

Depending on the circumstances, there may be treatment options you can substitute for jail time or ways to get a DUI removed from your record. We will also fight to preserve your driving privileges. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Understanding The Consequences Of A DUI

DUI charges in Oklahoma can quickly get very complicated. Even if you are not driving your vehicle, but you have control of the operation of the vehicle, you could still face serious consequences. You can go to jail, pay high fines and lose your driving privileges. In addition, you risk a criminal record that will follow you wherever you go.

A DUI attorney can help with drunk driving charges and consequences, including:

An attorney experienced in DUI laws and consequences can help you understand what you need to do to move forward with your life after a DUI charge.

What Are The Penalties For A DUI Conviction In Oklahoma?

Fines and possible jail time are dependent on the court to which you were assigned and the number of prior DUI convictions.

The following are the potential consequences for a DUI conviction listed by the court:

  • Municipal court – Up to $500 fine and 30 days in jail
  • Court of record – Up to $1,250 fine and 6 months in jail
  • District court (county court) – up to $1,000 fine and 1 year in jail

The following are potential consequences for a DUI conviction based on criminal history and severity:

  • Felony DUI – Up to $2,500 fine and 5 years in jail for a felony DUI
  • Second offense felony DUI – Up to a $5,000 fine and 7 years in jail
  • Third offense felony DUI – Up to 10 years in jail for a repeat DUI offense
  • Manslaughter one (Man 1) – For a death resulting from an accident where you are charged with a DUI manslaughter— the penalty can range from 4 years to life imprisonment.

Why It’s Important To Have A DUI Attorney

When you are facing a DUI charge, you might be tempted to see hiring an attorney as an unnecessary expense.

Unfortunately, when stepping into court for a DUI charge, the odds are already tough. The prosecution has been working on the case against you since the day of your arrest. It is important to have a skilled attorney on your side to advocate for your rights.

An experienced attorney understands both the charges against you and the possible consequences you will be facing. Having an advocate on your side means having someone who understands what is on the line and the best options for moving forward.

Call Our DUI Law Firm For Help

Getting charged with DUI can be a scary time. You already know there is a lot on the line. We can help you get answers to your questions and fight the charges against you. To schedule an appointment with a DUI lawyer, contact us online, or call 405-232-4384.